Bochumer Fleischhandel
Bochumer Fleischhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co KG offers a full range of beef and pork products from daily fresh slaughtering. With the takeover of the company in 2017, Willms Fleisch GmbH also expanded its process chain in the beef sector - from raw material to end product.
Bochum Location
As a meat supplier, Bochumer Fleischhandel bears great responsibility for the quality of its products. This is why the highest priority is placed on traceability and ongoing quality checks from purchasing to delivery. The use of modern machines and IT systems guarantees a smooth process through all production stages. Both the slaughterhouse and the cutting plant are IFS certified.
Freudenbergstraße 45K
D - 44809 Bochum
Telephone:+49 (0) 234 52 904 0
Fax:+49 (0) 234 52 904-28
[email protected]